Let’s make your Dream come true with us!!
Come study in Japan is a starting point of your dream.So, let’s make your dream come true with us!!
At first, we will support you to get knowing how to live in Japan by yourself. It is the first step of the realization of your dream that you can live in Japan without any help.
学科・学習時間・授業 Course・Learning time・Class
学科 Course |
進学日本語二年制 Preparatory Japanese Language 2-year course | 4月入学 April enrollment |
進学日本語一年半制 Preparatory Japanese Language 1.5 -year course | 10月入学 October enrollment | |
学習時間 Learning time |
年間800時間 800 hours per year, 年間2学期制 2 terms per year, 各学期400時間 400 hours per term | |
授業 class |
1時限は45分授業 1 period is 45 minute class | |
午前クラス Morning class 9:00~12:30 4時限 4 periods | (午前・午後の選択は出来ません Not be able to select the morning or afternoon class) |
午後クラス Afternoon class 13:15~16:45 4時限 4 periods |
Daily custom training and guidance of living customs in Japan
We will support you to get knowing Japanese customs, getting used to living in Japan, and being able to do anything by yourself.
At first we instruct you ”Japanese style greeting” and “cleaning” thoroughly. This skill will help you when you have the interview for the entrance exam of university or company.
Living in Japan by yourself is also a chance for practicing business customs, lifestyle habit and Japanese Language. It is the first step of the realization of your dream that you can live in Japan without any help.
Guidance and counseling for university and professional college
This is a big step to make your dream come true. Choosing the university or the professional college which you want to study. Preparing documents of the entrance exam and writing “reason of study”. Training of the oral examination. These are very hard way to success. We will support your challenge.
Guidance and counseling for part-time job

Part-time job is not only a chance to get money for yourself, but also very good chance to practice your Japanese Language abilities if you wish to do so. And it is also a great chance to learn Japanese business customs. We will help you to find good part-time job, You need a little period to progress your abilities to get your job.
We support kindly to the challengers!

松井 清 Matsui Kiyoshi
I am working in education field for foreign students nearly 30 years. I know many graduates who made their dream come true by studying in Japan.
This way is very hard but more important thing is to challenge. Even if you challenge and fail, but this experience will become your fortunes. We will support you when you feel difficult or in trouble.
Your challenge will make your dream come true.